Assistive Technology Offers Massive Business Opportunities

Assistive technology refers to hardware, software, and systems that can increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of those with disabilities. Some assistive technology exists, Continue Reading

Ambient Computing: How Can Your Organisation Benefit?

Ambient computing has grown in popularity, because it offers significant benefits. When done properly, it seamlessly integrates devices, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to improve Continue Reading

Overcoming Barriers in Nanotechnology Development

Nanotechnology development is changing products, services, and how organisations envision their future. Within recent years, the science of actively and intentionally altering molecules and structures Continue Reading

Plotting Healthcare Technological Transformation Through Ecosystem Maps

Healthcare technological transformation is not only desirable, but absolutely necessary in today’s data-driven medical settings. Proper care hinges on real-time information and cross-departmental sharing. Consequently, Continue Reading