Early Birds Featured in The Companies with Most Disruptive Innovations for 2022
30 May 2022

EarlyBirds, an Australian firm that has developed a business to business (B2B) platform that offers a way for early adopters, innovators, and subject matter experts (SMEs) to meet and establish partnerships to speed up technology advancement and adoption, has been featured by the CIO Views magazine as one of The Companies with Most Disruptive Innovations for 2022. This is due to the Early Birds open innovation ecosystem platform that was introduced in 2019 and has quickly earned the reputation of being the most innovative platform. There has been an exponential rise in the number of organisations and innovators joining the platform, which has currently over 4 million innovators, 600 plus early adopter organisations, and over 100 SMEs. Its clients include tier-1 public sector customers, Fortune 500 companies, and top ASX corporations.

EarlyBirds, an Australian firm that has developed a business to business (B2B) platform that offers a way for early adopters, innovators, and subject matter experts (SMEs) to meet and establish partnerships to speed up technology advancement and adoption, has been featured by the CIO Views magazine as one of The Companies with Most Disruptive Innovations for 2022. This is due to the Early Birds open innovation ecosystem platform that was introduced in 2019 and has quickly earned the reputation of being the most innovative platform. There has been an exponential rise in the number of organisations and innovators joining the platform, which has currently over 4 million innovators, 600 plus early adopter organisations, and over 100 SMEs. Its clients include tier-1 public sector customers, Fortune 500 companies, and top ASX corporations.

Kris Poria, CEO and co-founder of EarlyBirds, says, “As an Early Adopter Organization you are a leader or influencer in your organisation who understands the value of innovation with a strong desire to identify new and disruptive Innovators to seize opportunities, solve challenges or create new products and services. Working with EarlyBirds you can solve challenges and seize opportunities using actionable innovation from startups, scaleups and mature organisations.”

EarlyBirds may be able to help a company become a self-learning organisation for the purpose of exploring disruptive solutions, business models, and innovations; resolve business and technical issues fast; and attain continuous improvement for all business functions. The core capabilities of the platform include a sophisticated search capability that allows users to find innovators based on their names, maturity, capability, and geographic location. A comprehensive results list is shown for each search, with a summary provided for each innovator. Additional functionalities of the platform include the Innovation Project, Innovation Pipeline, and Innovation Maps.

Early Birds encourages the use of an Open Innovation Map to speed up the identification of disruptive innovative solutions for technical and business challenges in a specific business or technolgy theme. They create specific theme or industry-based Innovation Maps that organizations can quickly use to determine potential innovators or industry capability insights. They share the framework of Innovation Maps in different themes with the world as Open Innovation Maps. Their Innovation Map frameworks methodologies include specific works by SMEs, AI/machine learning based themes and other industry themes created by a number of organisations.

The Open Innovation Maps offer many advantages, such as allowing Early Adopters to identify the key areas of solutions. Innovators (startups, scaleups and mature) are also able to categorise themselves into all appropriate categories so that early adopter organisations may be able to identify them for relevant solutions.

Innovation maps that are currently available are Cybersecurity and Net Zero. The Cybersecurity Innovation Map currently tracks over 90,000 organisations. Categories include: Endpoint security, Network security, Data security, Surveillance & safety equirement, GRC & Security by design, Identity Access Management, Threat Intelligence, Cloud security, Vulernability aessement and Penetration Testing, website security, securit analytics, IOT security, Accelerators; Investors; Research & Education; Government Agencies; and Other Use Cases.

The Net Zero Innovation Map currently tracks over 10,000 organisations and it uses a strategy developed by United Nations where technology topics are subdivided into sub-themes and related themes by EarlyBirds. The unique Net Zero Innovation Map is dynamically populated with appropriate technologies drawn from more than 4 million global startup, scaleup and mature innovators for climate change adaption and mitigation.

The EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem has two key components. One component is the Explorer program that is designed to speed up the process of technological innovation for the whole organisation as a service. The Explorer program has a number of important features, including: quarterly or monthly innovation days; a nominated SME for the business; regular webinars to help stimulate innovation in the organisation; a platform enterprise license; and a focus on specific types of innovations. The other component is the Challenger program, which is designed for those organisations who would rather focus on one particular challenge for the business at a time. EarlyBirds also provides the Edzility framework that can help businesses with their continuous improvement programs in order for them to have a better organisational agility and competitive edge.

Those who are interested in learning more about the EarlyBirds and how it can help companies in adopting and launching innovative technologies can check out the EarlyBirds website at earlybirds.io.